Oticon Siya 1 miniRITE


Siya captures the rich natural details in sound and reproduces their nuances. With the ultra-fast Velox chip, it can process sound 50 times faster than the previous technology and enables exceptional sound quality.

High-resolution sound – Captures the rich natural details of sounds and reproduces the nuances. This is thanks to the category-leading resolution from 48 frequency channels.

Fast and responsive focus – Adapts rapidly to different listening scenarios in 15 independent frequency bands. Oticon Siya responds progressively to noise sources in each frequency band until full directionality is needed.

Advanced noise reduction – Attenuates disturbing noise extremely quickly, even reducing noise between words.

Made for iPhone connectivity – Oticon Siya powers 2.4 GHz Bluetooth® low energy connectivity where you can perform audio streaming from your phone to the hearing aids.


Hearing Aid Siya 1
Technology Level Essential
Channels 48
Fitting bands 10
Speech clarity/understanding 4.5/10
Transient noise reduction On/Off
Max noise removal Low
Listening comfort 4.5/10
Localisation of sounds 4.5/10
Frequency lowering Yes
Listening Programs 4
Battery lifespan Battery (up to 110 hours)
Tinnitus Sound Support Yes
Water-Resistant Yes
(IP 68)
Hearing loss level Mild-to-severe hearing loss
Phone streaming Iphone only
Phone Remote App iOS & Android
(OticonOn App)
Warranty (Years) 2
Platform/Launched Year Velox

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